At the DocSpitz Performance Clinic, we specialize in comprehensive, conservative care of patients with neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions



Chiropractors receive exhaustive training in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of NMS conditions; leading all health care practitioners in this area, making them specialists of the NMS system. Chiropractors are very good at one thing… and that’s NMS care!


The practices of chiropractic are based on the premise of treating the source of the condition, not the symptoms that it causes. This often means treating areas of the body that are not acutely sore, but play a role in the pain that the patient is experiencing. For example: A patient that presents with knee pain may require treatment of the low back, hips, knees and ankles. Chiropractic recognizes that health is a lifestyle and is an integral part of taking care of your body.


Chiropractic is the first line of defense against NMS conditions. It is very effective as a non-invasive method of treatment. It works without the use of drugs or surgery. Chiropractic remains one of the safest forms of health care.