Dear Patient,
Every type of health care is associated with some risk of potential problem. This includes chiropractic health care. We wish you to be informed about the possibility of any potential problems associated with chiropractic health care before consenting to treatment. This is called informed consent.
Consent to Treatment
The following points have been explained to me to my satisfaction and I have had the opportunity to discuss them with the doctor and/or other clinic personnel.
1. The practice of health care is not an exact science, but relies upon information related by the patient, information gathered during the examination (and the doctor’s interpretation thereof), as well as the doctor’s judgment and expertise. Chiropractic health care is no different.
2. It is not reasonable to expect my doctor to be able to anticipate or explain all possible risks and complications of a given procedure on any particular visit, and I wish to rely on the doctor to exercise professional judgment during the course of any procedures which he feels at the time to be in my best interest.
3. Though infrequent, as with any health procedure, there are certain complications which may arise during chiropractic health care. These complications include soreness, sprains/strains, dislocations, fractures, disc injuries, cerebral-‐vascular accidents, physiotherapy burns, or soft tissue injuries. These complications are extremely rare occurrences.
4. Chiropractic is a system of health care delivery; therefore, as with any other health care delivery system, we cannot promise a cure for any symptom, disease, or condition as a result of treatment in this clinic. We will give you our best care.
5. I understand that the chiropractor will use his hands or a mechanical device upon my body to adjust a joint, and there may be an audible “pop” or “click” as a result of joint movement.
6. I understand that there are other forms of treatment available to me, which could be treatment options for my condition, but at this time, I choose chiropractic care.
I have read the above consent, have had the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers, am comfortable with the information provided, and consent to chiropractic treatment and management on that basis.